Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Down syndrome information – are there any programs in school for children with Down syndrome?

Down syndrome information on the continuum of services of increasing intensity and duration should be available to support the student with disabilities. A number of service delivery modes may be adapted to ensure that each child in the general education setting is given proper attention.
Of course there are some programs helpful for children with special needs. Check on these and see if it applies to your child.

The Pull-in programming
Consulting Teacher
Children Supporting Children

The Pull-in programming

  The Pull-in programming in special education and services related to it are brought to student exclusively in the general education classroom.  This mode of delivery of knowledge comes with the understanding that each child should be supported. A disadvantaged child in a general education classroom may be given the right assistance when it comes to performing a task.   You can check how this help on Down syndrome information development in including the child for programming.

 Co-Teaching in the General Education Classroom is one in many ways of adapting to the inclusion setting. Many students with special needs spend a significant amount of time in the general education classroom.  To serve the students, special education teachers work as co-teachers in inclusive general education classrooms with their colleagues in elementary or secondary education. (Smith, 2007)
  Co-Teaching would be a model where general education and special education teachers team-teach to be able to service students with special needs and create a program appropriate to the child’s need as well as the advantages to both teachers of special and general education.

Consulting Teacher

  Consulting Teacher is a model where a teacher serves as a resources to the general education teacher in order to come up with a program to support the needs of the child. (Smith, 2007)

Children Supporting Children

  Children Supporting Children creates an inspiring model that keeps other children involve in the learning of the child. (Mittler, 2000)  This a good way to improve socialization skills and this coincide with the goal for each child on increasing interaction with children and his society, it can be a great avenue on developing communication in reference to activities of daily living which is an all important aspect of a child’s life. This will be helpful in adding support for Down syndrome information; it adds value in helping these kids create a supportive environment.
I have yet to see our government push for work for teens with Down syndrome, although with regards to education and sports they have adults who are into extreme sports here in the Philippines, we also have them teens joining the special Olympics here and abroad and happily competing with each other in track events.
To learn more about our program just click HERE  for helpful Down syndrome information.


Early Child Development - What are some of the best ways to show the importance of early childhood education in our country?

Early Child Development is also concerned with the access of facilities and resources respective to its region. The pedagogy of special education should be within reach and all of the student should have access to it.  It is the responsibility of the government / country to give proper attention and financing or should we say make it their utmost priority.  Special needs incorporates the proven principles of sound pedagogy from which all children may benefit.(Salamanca Framework for Action) A child-centre pedagogy can help to avoid the waste of resources  and the shattering of hopes that is all too frequently a consequence of poor quality instruction and a “one-size fits all”  mentally towards Early Child Development 

This framework should always be kept in the mind of all special education teachers as there would be more challenges that we will be facing in the future. If the issues on accessibility is not addressed in our lifetime as a teacher we can probably make it easier for the next generation teachers by aggressively campaigning for our students as this is also their right as a child.
  The current situation of countries not being able to meet the requirement varies.  There are some countries that have certain school dedicated to a specific impairment therefore giving a more comprehensive resource and training grounds for teachers in the government owned and private school. They have members in their institution that may be able to assist in training regular education student, curricula can be mirrored to be able to adapt to the needs of the general education curriculum making every effort less stressful for teachers in the regular setting. There are also participating countries that probably would not have these relevant resources and is very much in the need of reform in the government and education sector. What can be some of the best ways?

This is really a tough question to ask, however let’s ponder on some of these:

Be a Leader
If you really want to do something act on it.  There should be leaders in organizations that are willing to tell parents to take responsibility in spending time with their children.

Write to Senators and Congressmen
I haven’t done this but they may be of great help, they may take special interest in early learning like what our Department of education is currently doing, well in our case pushing for our Early Child Development. They can pass programs and laws for early childhood education.

What we are looking for may take a lot of research maybe decades to answer. But, you can actually start with one small step at a time. If you are a teacher, try an reach out to the parents and not just focus on your WORK, remember, the saying that “Teachers are the second Parent of a child” has never been contradicted, never second guess that. Be proud that you are a part of your pupil’s development.  If you are a parent, again you have the responsibility to spend time with your children. 
 You may join our programs and give your child a booze of fun, lively and cheerful learning.

Most of my memories way back in the past were my early years in KINDERGARTEN and ELEMENTARY. It has most definitely created an impact in my personality if we are considering Early Childhood Development.
