Friday, August 26, 2011

Down syndrome information - What physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in?

Down syndrome information on sports  will be very useful to people who are involved with these little angels.  

I could remember one dear student who just melts my heart every time he smiles and laughs. Even when at his fighting moments with his teacher he is just cuddly as a teddy bear.  

It gives me great joy whenever I see parents who are willing to do everything, just to give these little kiddos the best time of their lives.  And this student of ours projects happiness and excitement every time he is in class. 

After school special education teacher gives a wide range of selection when it comes to activities for your kids. However, what physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in? 

You might say:

  “ I always am struggling to find down syndrome information on sports and movement”

Never get too excited in enrolling your child in developmental activities; consider:





Clearance from the child’s doctor is very important, for most kids with Down syndrome, the issue on the neck muscle should be considered seriously. The danger of completely ignoring this important process may hurt your child. 

However, if things go well during his screening and a GO Signal is given by his doctor you can now start checking out on his interests or check out some activities that will give your child stronger muscles.


There are various activities that you can choose from for your kid.  It can be in a form of probably just doing leisure walks around your place and community, to getting them into team sport like bowling or tennis.          
  Your influence on what you really like for your child will also be a factor in choosing a physical activity for your child.

                               Individual Sports

This is deeply encouraged as this can benefit the child when he grows up. A child can especially enjoy this sport alone and can do extremely well on his own without being dependent with sports which requires a partner.

                                Team Sports

It is not to say that you do not choose this kinds of sports, but if you know that your child is enjoying and is fairly good at it, why not continue honing his skills in the said activity.


Another Down Syndrome information would be MOVEMENT; this is the key to learning, swimming is often encouraged as this targets all the muscle in body; Bobbing the head requires a lot of practice that gives emphasize on making the neck stronger as the child is encouraged to LIFT their head Up to get some air”

It is suggested to start them early when it comes to physical activities. The health benefits are endless; starting them young gives a huge difference to their lives in the future. If you are weary on thinking what else could be done you can always check other options. Involve the whole family and be active.

To gather Down syndrome information you may also contact a cause group that supports children with Down syndrome, they can be really a great source of knowledge and friends.

Keeping in mind all these, you may check out our program here at After School Special Education Teacher and gather Down syndrome information.

Photo thanks to: com/photos/30481261@N06/

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