Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Swimming Pool Games - How do you teach a child with Autism better swimming skills?

Swimming Pool Games can create another realm and world for little kids. They can try a lot from race to holding their breath for as long as they can. Obviously, water gives a different for some they can get a little bit complicated from being too scared of suffocating themselves to a fear of falling down when doing a simple back float to total chaos as they feel they were set free. 

Swimming is physically, mentally and socially beneficial to all participants. For children with Autism this gives an opportunity to be able to master certain set of skills that is both fun and life saving. There are also researches that warm water (32-33 degrees Celsius) gives more movement so this should also be considered in administration and implementing.

But how do you really teach a child with Autism better swimming skills?  There are some things that you need to consider before you can see results.

Teacher Preparedness
Short-Term Goal Setting
Long Term Goal Setting
Parent Involvement
Lesson Plan – Swimming Pool Games
Mode of Instruction

Teacher Preparedness

  This is very essential as the child needs to be guided properly. A teacher should have thorough knowledge in implementing the lesson.  It gives the parents the confidence in you and they would trust you more.  Passion with knowledge and patience would be the right combination. Be wary of Sensory issues, similar concerns should be discussed meticulously. Communicate properly and effectively for children with Autism, always be straight to the point and follow up with praise every time.

Short-Term Goal Setting

  As kids with Autism gets distracted and out of control if a schedule or a routine is changed. You have to be able to break them bit by bit in order for the child to achieve the desired outcome. The likes of: Holding Breath to submerging the head to putting eyes down. Break it down to smaller bits.

Long Term Goal Setting

  You can now become more technical in this part but try to measure the child’s capability in following it. This can be Goals like swimming competently in a 25 meter pool without much assistance, to a more specific “breathing after each second arm stroke”.

Parent Involvement

From start to finish, involve the parents, they have as much information you need in order for you to be able to come up with a program best fit for the child. You can also ask them what their goal for the kids are which are also essential in complementing other programs the child is involved in.

Lesson Plan – Swimming Pool Games

Keep in mind that for each child the approach would vary considerable.  As much as possible make it feel like play for the child. Follow the routine make it conventional and trouble-free.  Target a maximum of 3 skills every time.  Consistently and carefully follow the routine so as not to fall back on the skill.

Mode of Instruction

Children with Autism reacts differently to different situation and you may need to give one on one instruction first before involving the child in a bigger group.  You may also provide visual support for your child so that you can always demonstrate and illustrate the skill at the same time.

Get involve in your child’s swimming pool games as this also reinforces communication.  To effectively get results, implement rules before the program starts for you and your kid. Most important, it should always be FUN.

After School Special Education teacher provides modified swimming for children with special, this involves structured and simplified swimming activities which involve a lot of fun and a lot of swimming pool games.

Photo Thanks to : com/photos/albertopveiga/

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