Autism Signs In Children are major components of placement whenever they are verified and confirmed. After everything has been established it is but right to decide on what is the best process of education for the child. But let us talk about INCLUSION.
The Majority of students with disabilities have more difficulty learning academic skills than those without disabilities (Kauffman, 2006). The strong push of the Inclusion of which where the Salamanca Statement was made in 1994 gave a more comprehensive requirements as well as definition of a child with special needs, this includes disabled and gifted children, street and working children, children from remote or nomadic populations, children from linguistic, ethnic or cultural minorities and children from other disadvantaged or marginalized areas or groups (Salamanca, 1994).
As agreed in Salamanca, Inclusion is a process wherein mainstream school and early settings are transformed so that all children /students are supported to meet their academic and social potential and involves removing barriers in environment, attitudes, communication, curriculum, teaching, socialization and assessment at all levels. The enactment and agreement of the Salamanca statement puts the word “Inclusion” in the spotlight. It gives a policy that is applicable to all participating countries. Giving them guidelines to follow on how to go about things which changes in the process from integration to the “now” which is the subject of this discussion.
Inclusion refers to the instruction of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, with appropriate support to meet their individual needs (Lerner, 2003: 153). The manner of instruction should always be appropriate to each child especially if we are checking Autism Signs In Children during assessment. As the child is in the general education classroom 100% of the time, the medium used with each child should appropriately congregate with the needs of the child in the classroom. The notion of inclusion therefore does not set boundaries (as the notion of integration did) around particular kinds of supposed disability. Instead it is about providing a framework within which all children – regardless of ability, gender, language, ethnic or cultural origin-can be valued equally, treated with respect and provided with real opportunities at school (Thomas and Loxley, 2001:119).
To be able to move about freely in an environment that is favourable to the child’s need regardless of how he came into this world of ours is something every special education advocate wants for every individual.
Inclusion implies a radical reform of the school in terms of curriculum, assessment, pedagogy and grouping of pupils. It is based on a value system that welcomes and celebrates diversity arising from gender, nationality, race, language of origin, social background , level of educational achievement or disability (Mittler 2000:10). It may be impossible in the eyes of our community or may even be perceived as unfeasible to have the child undergo the difficult process of coping in his quest for his acquisition of knowledge but there is hope in my own belief for a child to have an embracing educational community.
Inclusion is students with disabilities:
(a) attending the same schools as siblings and neighbors,
(b) being in general education classrooms with chronological age-appropriate classmates,
(c) having individualized and relevant learning objectives, and (d) being provided with the necessary support.
Inclusion is not students with disabilities who:
(a) must spend every minute of the school day in general education classes,
(b) never receive small-group or individualized instruction, and
(c) are in general education classes to learn the core curriculum only. (York, Doyle, and Kronberg 1992)
In most definition we can some up Inclusion as a process, an instruction, a radical reform and a provision in providing structure for all children, all kinds of diversity, in all shapes and size and stature in life. The idea is to remove all barriers to participation that may be experienced by all of the students. With that said we the teachers are very much to be the head of the education of all these children. There is a responsibility being positioned over our heads that we need to address.
Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity and to the enjoyment and exercise of human rights. – As a teacher, this will be my basis of choosing strategies best fitted for my student, as the aim is to equalize the opportunity of the each individual; it is a great way to brainstorm and share ideas as well as implement new ideas to genuinely extract the expected outcome of an individual.
Inclusion gives every child the opportunity to be in an environment that was thought to have been impossible because of their disability. It is but right to review all aspects ( i.e. Autism Signs In Children and probably adults, diagnosis etc), concerns and issue pertaining to the implementation of Inclusion in the community of schools. It is with best interest that the Salamanca Conference reacted on the situation that has long been a problem of every nation who gives top priority to the children’s education. However, we should also remind ourselves that not every community or country will be able to act on it, especially if they lack proper support from the community and the government as well as the private sector. Each one of us has the responsibility to help in every way we can, we should remember that Inclusion is not just a process in the school; it is also a process that involves everyone in the community.
Is it always appropriate?
We can give these kids all access to innovations and radical reforms that will pave the way for acquisition of knowledge in the general education setting but if the community does not transforms and adapt from this reforms in the cases of individuals with disabilities, every goal set and every advocacy done will not get the desired outcome that they freely profess.
After School Special Education teacher fully supports inclusion, you can always contact us to check on placement and checking Autism Signs In Children.