Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Down syndrome information – are there any programs in school for children with Down syndrome?

Down syndrome information on the continuum of services of increasing intensity and duration should be available to support the student with disabilities. A number of service delivery modes may be adapted to ensure that each child in the general education setting is given proper attention.
Of course there are some programs helpful for children with special needs. Check on these and see if it applies to your child.

The Pull-in programming
Consulting Teacher
Children Supporting Children

The Pull-in programming

  The Pull-in programming in special education and services related to it are brought to student exclusively in the general education classroom.  This mode of delivery of knowledge comes with the understanding that each child should be supported. A disadvantaged child in a general education classroom may be given the right assistance when it comes to performing a task.   You can check how this help on Down syndrome information development in including the child for programming.

 Co-Teaching in the General Education Classroom is one in many ways of adapting to the inclusion setting. Many students with special needs spend a significant amount of time in the general education classroom.  To serve the students, special education teachers work as co-teachers in inclusive general education classrooms with their colleagues in elementary or secondary education. (Smith, 2007)
  Co-Teaching would be a model where general education and special education teachers team-teach to be able to service students with special needs and create a program appropriate to the child’s need as well as the advantages to both teachers of special and general education.

Consulting Teacher

  Consulting Teacher is a model where a teacher serves as a resources to the general education teacher in order to come up with a program to support the needs of the child. (Smith, 2007)

Children Supporting Children

  Children Supporting Children creates an inspiring model that keeps other children involve in the learning of the child. (Mittler, 2000)  This a good way to improve socialization skills and this coincide with the goal for each child on increasing interaction with children and his society, it can be a great avenue on developing communication in reference to activities of daily living which is an all important aspect of a child’s life. This will be helpful in adding support for Down syndrome information; it adds value in helping these kids create a supportive environment.
I have yet to see our government push for work for teens with Down syndrome, although with regards to education and sports they have adults who are into extreme sports here in the Philippines, we also have them teens joining the special Olympics here and abroad and happily competing with each other in track events.
To learn more about our program just click HERE  for helpful Down syndrome information.


Early Child Development - What are some of the best ways to show the importance of early childhood education in our country?

Early Child Development is also concerned with the access of facilities and resources respective to its region. The pedagogy of special education should be within reach and all of the student should have access to it.  It is the responsibility of the government / country to give proper attention and financing or should we say make it their utmost priority.  Special needs incorporates the proven principles of sound pedagogy from which all children may benefit.(Salamanca Framework for Action) A child-centre pedagogy can help to avoid the waste of resources  and the shattering of hopes that is all too frequently a consequence of poor quality instruction and a “one-size fits all”  mentally towards Early Child Development 

This framework should always be kept in the mind of all special education teachers as there would be more challenges that we will be facing in the future. If the issues on accessibility is not addressed in our lifetime as a teacher we can probably make it easier for the next generation teachers by aggressively campaigning for our students as this is also their right as a child.
  The current situation of countries not being able to meet the requirement varies.  There are some countries that have certain school dedicated to a specific impairment therefore giving a more comprehensive resource and training grounds for teachers in the government owned and private school. They have members in their institution that may be able to assist in training regular education student, curricula can be mirrored to be able to adapt to the needs of the general education curriculum making every effort less stressful for teachers in the regular setting. There are also participating countries that probably would not have these relevant resources and is very much in the need of reform in the government and education sector. What can be some of the best ways?

This is really a tough question to ask, however let’s ponder on some of these:

Be a Leader
If you really want to do something act on it.  There should be leaders in organizations that are willing to tell parents to take responsibility in spending time with their children.

Write to Senators and Congressmen
I haven’t done this but they may be of great help, they may take special interest in early learning like what our Department of education is currently doing, well in our case pushing for our Early Child Development. They can pass programs and laws for early childhood education.

What we are looking for may take a lot of research maybe decades to answer. But, you can actually start with one small step at a time. If you are a teacher, try an reach out to the parents and not just focus on your WORK, remember, the saying that “Teachers are the second Parent of a child” has never been contradicted, never second guess that. Be proud that you are a part of your pupil’s development.  If you are a parent, again you have the responsibility to spend time with your children. 
 You may join our programs and give your child a booze of fun, lively and cheerful learning.

Most of my memories way back in the past were my early years in KINDERGARTEN and ELEMENTARY. It has most definitely created an impact in my personality if we are considering Early Childhood Development.


Swimming Pool Games - Assessment and Intervention frameworks for children with special educational needs?

Swimming Pool Games are just one in many ways to add  fun,  depending on the goals being targeted, outcomes that every family and teacher expects, and standard and requirement of the community, assessing the child may be as varied or as generalized while he is in the inclusive setting which may affect his performance.   Inclusive education gives a clear support on a unified system which is one common set of outcomes for all students; although the manner in which competence is demonstrated and assessed may take into consideration unique individual needs (Bigge and Stump, 1999: 42-43).
  Curricula should be adapted to the children’s needs, and not vice-versa.  The school should also consider the support to be given to the special needs student but should do this in the perspective of of the general curriculum. The definition of support to a child will justify that it is still in the general inclusion setting if this things a purposely used within the objective of general education hence we have what we call Adapted Physical Education and the likes.  It is the student’s own experience that gives triggering effect to the acquisition of knowledge including play like Swimming Pool Games can be a rewarding experience for the child, this can also be part of the child’s promotion.
  Progression on assessment should always be revisited and this, like the curriculum should also mirror and complement each other in order for it to work in favour of the student and the society and student delivering on mastery or failing or the subject giving the teachers opportunity to identify what needs to be done.

  Evaluation of students with special needs in the classroom may be our focus in this particular issue, evaluation of kid in SwimmingPool Games can be considered as well as this can amplify certain skills that a child may demonstrate, it is not just be particular to pool games but to classroom play as well. As a teacher I may be able to use IEP still as my basis in the promotion of my students. Although IEP is usually used in the special education setting, this adaptive tool may be put in good use but the goals should coincide with general education’s goal which may be used in the referral of the student to the next level. 

You may use the following:

Assessment Portfolio
Differentiated evaluation/examination
Tiered assignments

Assessment Portfolio
  A special needs student may also be provided with an assessment portfolio, where in his achievement are documented.  A compilation of the child’s complete work where he may be evaluated can be utilized to promote a child for his accomplishments.

Differentiated evaluation/examination
  Differentiated evaluation/examination may also be done.  Test can also be in some other alternative forms aside from the usual pen and paper examination that tends to hinder a child with special needs to perform at par with the general education students. This can materialize in more forms but this still should be in the context of general education so as not to veer away from the supposed placement. As to Swimming Pool Games  each kid is assess differently and of course the difficulty level also is varied for each child.

Tiered assignments
  Tiered assignments (Tomlinson, 2001), teachers provide choices of assignments on a single topic that vary in difficulty.
  Modification can occur in either instruction or assessment of students with disabilities or both (Kauffman, 2006). It may be changes in instructions, student response, or assessment that is still within the general education content which can be significantly difficult for the students in the curriculum.

There are a lot of ways to modify and asses curriculum design, it is in the hands of the teacher that they create a fun environment with structured play in classrooms or out of this world physical education subjects as demonstrated in Swimming Pool Games.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/ gracewong/

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Autism Signs In Children - Do you think inclusion is always appropriate for all children with Autism?

Autism Signs In Children are major components of placement whenever they are verified and confirmed. After everything has been established it is but right to decide on what is the best process of education for the child. But let us talk about INCLUSION.
    The Majority of students with disabilities have more difficulty learning academic skills than those without disabilities (Kauffman, 2006).  The strong push of the Inclusion of which where the Salamanca Statement was made in 1994 gave a more comprehensive requirements as well as definition of a child with special needs, this includes disabled and gifted children, street and working children, children from remote or nomadic populations, children from linguistic, ethnic or cultural minorities and children from other disadvantaged or marginalized areas or groups (Salamanca, 1994).
        As agreed in Salamanca, Inclusion is a process wherein mainstream school and early settings are transformed so that all children /students are supported to meet their academic and social potential and involves removing barriers in environment, attitudes, communication, curriculum, teaching, socialization and assessment at all levels.  The enactment and agreement of the Salamanca statement puts the word “Inclusion” in the spotlight.  It gives a policy that is applicable to all participating countries.  Giving them guidelines to follow on how to go about things which changes in the process from integration to the “now” which is the subject of this discussion.
    Inclusion refers to the instruction of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, with appropriate support to meet their individual needs (Lerner, 2003: 153). The manner of instruction should always be appropriate to each child especially if we are checking Autism Signs In Children during assessment.  As the child is in the general education classroom 100% of the time, the medium used with each child should appropriately congregate with the needs of the child in the classroom.
  The notion of inclusion therefore does not set boundaries (as the notion of integration did) around particular kinds of supposed disability.  Instead it is about providing a framework within which all children – regardless of ability, gender, language, ethnic or cultural origin-can be valued equally, treated with respect and provided with real opportunities at school (Thomas and Loxley, 2001:119).

  To be able to move about freely in an environment that is favourable to the child’s need regardless of how he came into this world of ours is something every special education advocate wants for every individual.
  Inclusion implies a radical reform of the school in terms of curriculum, assessment, pedagogy and grouping of pupils. It is based on a value system that welcomes and celebrates diversity arising from gender, nationality, race, language of origin, social background , level of educational achievement or disability (Mittler 2000:10). It may be impossible in the eyes of our community or may even be perceived as unfeasible to have the child undergo the difficult process of coping in his quest for his acquisition of knowledge but there is hope in my own belief for a child to have an embracing educational community.

  Inclusion is students with disabilities:
(a) attending the same schools as siblings and neighbors,
(b) being in general education classrooms with chronological age-appropriate classmates,
(c) having individualized and relevant learning objectives, and (d) being provided with the necessary support.

Inclusion is not students with disabilities who:
(a) must spend every minute of the school day in general education classes,
(b) never receive small-group or individualized instruction, and
(c) are in general education classes to learn the core curriculum only. (York, Doyle, and Kronberg 1992)
   In most definition we can some up Inclusion as a process, an instruction, a radical reform and a provision in providing structure for all children, all kinds of diversity, in all shapes and size and stature in life.  The idea is to remove all barriers to participation that may be experienced by all of the students.  With that said we the teachers are very much to be the head of the education of all these children. There is a responsibility being positioned over our heads that we need to address.
  Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity and to the enjoyment and exercise of human rights. – As a teacher, this will be my basis of choosing strategies best fitted for my student, as the aim is to equalize the opportunity of the each individual; it is a great way to brainstorm and share ideas as well as implement new ideas to genuinely extract the expected outcome of an individual.
  Inclusion gives every child the opportunity to be in an environment that was thought to have been impossible because of their disability. It is but right to review all aspects ( i.e. Autism Signs In Children and probably adults, diagnosis etc), concerns and issue pertaining to the implementation of Inclusion in the community of schools.  It is with best interest that the Salamanca Conference reacted on the situation that has long been a problem of every nation who gives top priority to the children’s education. However, we should also remind ourselves that not every community or country will be able to act on it, especially if they lack proper support from the community and the government as well as the private sector.   Each one of us has the responsibility to help in every way we can, we should remember that Inclusion is not just a process in the school; it is also a process that involves everyone in the community.

Is it always appropriate?

  We can give these kids all access to innovations and radical reforms that will pave the way for acquisition of knowledge in the general education setting but if the community does not transforms and adapt from this reforms in the cases of individuals with disabilities, every goal set and every advocacy done will not get the desired outcome that they freely profess. 
After School Special Education teacher fully supports inclusion, you can always contact us to check on placement and checking Autism Signs In Children.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

After School Special Education Teacher-How to empower children with Autism?

After School Special Education Teacher caters to empowerment of all children. There are a lot of things that you as a parent can do to be able to infuse confidence in your child. The first time you learned that your child is within the spectrum, the feelings of denial, confusion and helplessness for you and your child came creeping down your spine.

What can you really do to empower your child with Autism?

Enriching your child’s experience and confidence can be really frustrating for some of the parents, but if you research closely you will be able to find out that it may even start at your own home.  For one, early diagnosis is very important to reach your child’s full potential, so if you feel that your child’s behavior can be classified as deviant, never give it a second thought – go and see a developmental pediatrician.

Evaluation is KEY; we at After School Special Education Teacher make sure that every child gets full attention. We can always sit down with you to give assistance.  

This is what we are here for and for starters you can ponder about this suggestions:





It is important that you know what you’re facing. Talk to people, read whatever materials you can find, and by this time you may probably go out of your hermit shell and try surfing the Internet for information. Open your eyes, in our time; especially here in the Philippines, I can honestly say that slowly we as People in this society are catching up in terms of ALTERNATIVES  that we can give our child.


ALTERNATIVES, this is what I am talking about. I need MORE help for my kid. There are options. If this are not present in your school go and see guidance from a special education teacher.  As early as you can, shower your child with options and make her experience all that there is to experience and learn.  Again, EARLY INTERVENTION is very important. SPEECH, READING, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY maybe counted in your options and probably needs.

It is harder to find what bests suits your child but when you do, the results will be very relieving and heart warming.


Like any other person who needs help, an advocacy group would really help you get through along the way. Create, join and support all the events, some parents eventually are able to find out that advocating for their child may be the best thing that ever happened to them. Some are able to find their niche in special education even getting involved in studies and pursuing studies about children with special needs.

We at After School Special Education Teacher give distinct creativity in teaching your little ones. It is our mission to be able to extend our helping hands to every parent in need.

If you would like to learn more about options you can give to your child, then contact us After School Special Education Teacher.

http://www.flickr.com/ photos/wwworks/

Friday, August 26, 2011

Down syndrome information - What physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in?

Down syndrome information on sports  will be very useful to people who are involved with these little angels.  

I could remember one dear student who just melts my heart every time he smiles and laughs. Even when at his fighting moments with his teacher he is just cuddly as a teddy bear.  

It gives me great joy whenever I see parents who are willing to do everything, just to give these little kiddos the best time of their lives.  And this student of ours projects happiness and excitement every time he is in class. 

After school special education teacher gives a wide range of selection when it comes to activities for your kids. However, what physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in? 

You might say:

  “ I always am struggling to find down syndrome information on sports and movement”

Never get too excited in enrolling your child in developmental activities; consider:





Clearance from the child’s doctor is very important, for most kids with Down syndrome, the issue on the neck muscle should be considered seriously. The danger of completely ignoring this important process may hurt your child. 

However, if things go well during his screening and a GO Signal is given by his doctor you can now start checking out on his interests or check out some activities that will give your child stronger muscles.


There are various activities that you can choose from for your kid.  It can be in a form of probably just doing leisure walks around your place and community, to getting them into team sport like bowling or tennis.          
  Your influence on what you really like for your child will also be a factor in choosing a physical activity for your child.

                               Individual Sports

This is deeply encouraged as this can benefit the child when he grows up. A child can especially enjoy this sport alone and can do extremely well on his own without being dependent with sports which requires a partner.

                                Team Sports

It is not to say that you do not choose this kinds of sports, but if you know that your child is enjoying and is fairly good at it, why not continue honing his skills in the said activity.


Another Down Syndrome information would be MOVEMENT; this is the key to learning, swimming is often encouraged as this targets all the muscle in body; Bobbing the head requires a lot of practice that gives emphasize on making the neck stronger as the child is encouraged to LIFT their head Up to get some air”

It is suggested to start them early when it comes to physical activities. The health benefits are endless; starting them young gives a huge difference to their lives in the future. If you are weary on thinking what else could be done you can always check other options. Involve the whole family and be active.

To gather Down syndrome information you may also contact a cause group that supports children with Down syndrome, they can be really a great source of knowledge and friends.

Keeping in mind all these, you may check out our program here at After School Special Education Teacher and gather Down syndrome information.

Photo thanks to: http://www.flickr. com/photos/30481261@N06/

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Early Child Development - Why are early years influential to a child's development?

Early Child Development is very important in making up the children of the next century, in parent perspective; development in early years should be the priority. The Philippines has been made a move to prioritize early childhood education to prepare the children in the stages of their educational life.

Tabula rasa?

Tabula rasa, a blank slate, a blank canvass ready to be painted on. Science gives out definitions and research explaining how the brain is programmed base on experience, sensory input, motor control, emotions and natural responses. The brain acts upon this and refines the ability of a human being, the term "Tabula rasa" is related to early child development

Now, what are the things parents consider during the developmental years of the child? As we are after moulding the child's emotional and physical well being and inspiring your child imagination we can never go wrong with:



This will never falter as we all need Love and Care, we would also noticed that most loved children tend to excel more and exude confidence. A lot of kids are


It starts from your home, have you ever experienced how your child imitates the people around your house? Everything from LANGUAGE, ACTIONS and even EPRESSIONS are being replayed right in front of you which can sometimes be a cause of laughter. Start your kid early by being the good parents that you are, it may sound cliché but, the knowledge that they get from home and school definitely will build who they are as an individual.


  Nowadays you see kids taking in 2-3 after school classes just to be able to hone their interest AND give their parents a nod that they also like what they enrolled them in.

It is important to note that You as parent play a very huge role in crafting what your child will be when they grow up. Early child development can be supplemented by series of school activities beneficial for your child. 

We can give options. You may check After School Special Education Teacher's programs  appropriate to your child's needs and suitable with your expectations. 

Choose appropriate activities for your child but please be careful not to overdo it, your child can take just as much elective and special classes. They need to go out and play, they need to be in the field, they need to be supplemented with every ounce of love and care that you can give to back up early child development.

http://www.flickr. com/photos/deannadesign/