Friday, August 26, 2011

Down syndrome information - What physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in?

Down syndrome information on sports  will be very useful to people who are involved with these little angels.  

I could remember one dear student who just melts my heart every time he smiles and laughs. Even when at his fighting moments with his teacher he is just cuddly as a teddy bear.  

It gives me great joy whenever I see parents who are willing to do everything, just to give these little kiddos the best time of their lives.  And this student of ours projects happiness and excitement every time he is in class. 

After school special education teacher gives a wide range of selection when it comes to activities for your kids. However, what physical activity could a child with Down syndrome participate in? 

You might say:

  “ I always am struggling to find down syndrome information on sports and movement”

Never get too excited in enrolling your child in developmental activities; consider:





Clearance from the child’s doctor is very important, for most kids with Down syndrome, the issue on the neck muscle should be considered seriously. The danger of completely ignoring this important process may hurt your child. 

However, if things go well during his screening and a GO Signal is given by his doctor you can now start checking out on his interests or check out some activities that will give your child stronger muscles.


There are various activities that you can choose from for your kid.  It can be in a form of probably just doing leisure walks around your place and community, to getting them into team sport like bowling or tennis.          
  Your influence on what you really like for your child will also be a factor in choosing a physical activity for your child.

                               Individual Sports

This is deeply encouraged as this can benefit the child when he grows up. A child can especially enjoy this sport alone and can do extremely well on his own without being dependent with sports which requires a partner.

                                Team Sports

It is not to say that you do not choose this kinds of sports, but if you know that your child is enjoying and is fairly good at it, why not continue honing his skills in the said activity.


Another Down Syndrome information would be MOVEMENT; this is the key to learning, swimming is often encouraged as this targets all the muscle in body; Bobbing the head requires a lot of practice that gives emphasize on making the neck stronger as the child is encouraged to LIFT their head Up to get some air”

It is suggested to start them early when it comes to physical activities. The health benefits are endless; starting them young gives a huge difference to their lives in the future. If you are weary on thinking what else could be done you can always check other options. Involve the whole family and be active.

To gather Down syndrome information you may also contact a cause group that supports children with Down syndrome, they can be really a great source of knowledge and friends.

Keeping in mind all these, you may check out our program here at After School Special Education Teacher and gather Down syndrome information.

Photo thanks to: com/photos/30481261@N06/

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Early Child Development - Why are early years influential to a child's development?

Early Child Development is very important in making up the children of the next century, in parent perspective; development in early years should be the priority. The Philippines has been made a move to prioritize early childhood education to prepare the children in the stages of their educational life.

Tabula rasa?

Tabula rasa, a blank slate, a blank canvass ready to be painted on. Science gives out definitions and research explaining how the brain is programmed base on experience, sensory input, motor control, emotions and natural responses. The brain acts upon this and refines the ability of a human being, the term "Tabula rasa" is related to early child development

Now, what are the things parents consider during the developmental years of the child? As we are after moulding the child's emotional and physical well being and inspiring your child imagination we can never go wrong with:



This will never falter as we all need Love and Care, we would also noticed that most loved children tend to excel more and exude confidence. A lot of kids are


It starts from your home, have you ever experienced how your child imitates the people around your house? Everything from LANGUAGE, ACTIONS and even EPRESSIONS are being replayed right in front of you which can sometimes be a cause of laughter. Start your kid early by being the good parents that you are, it may sound cliché but, the knowledge that they get from home and school definitely will build who they are as an individual.


  Nowadays you see kids taking in 2-3 after school classes just to be able to hone their interest AND give their parents a nod that they also like what they enrolled them in.

It is important to note that You as parent play a very huge role in crafting what your child will be when they grow up. Early child development can be supplemented by series of school activities beneficial for your child. 

We can give options. You may check After School Special Education Teacher's programs  appropriate to your child's needs and suitable with your expectations. 

Choose appropriate activities for your child but please be careful not to overdo it, your child can take just as much elective and special classes. They need to go out and play, they need to be in the field, they need to be supplemented with every ounce of love and care that you can give to back up early child development. com/photos/deannadesign/

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Swimming Pool Games - How do you teach a child with Autism better swimming skills?

Swimming Pool Games can create another realm and world for little kids. They can try a lot from race to holding their breath for as long as they can. Obviously, water gives a different for some they can get a little bit complicated from being too scared of suffocating themselves to a fear of falling down when doing a simple back float to total chaos as they feel they were set free. 

Swimming is physically, mentally and socially beneficial to all participants. For children with Autism this gives an opportunity to be able to master certain set of skills that is both fun and life saving. There are also researches that warm water (32-33 degrees Celsius) gives more movement so this should also be considered in administration and implementing.

But how do you really teach a child with Autism better swimming skills?  There are some things that you need to consider before you can see results.

Teacher Preparedness
Short-Term Goal Setting
Long Term Goal Setting
Parent Involvement
Lesson Plan – Swimming Pool Games
Mode of Instruction

Teacher Preparedness

  This is very essential as the child needs to be guided properly. A teacher should have thorough knowledge in implementing the lesson.  It gives the parents the confidence in you and they would trust you more.  Passion with knowledge and patience would be the right combination. Be wary of Sensory issues, similar concerns should be discussed meticulously. Communicate properly and effectively for children with Autism, always be straight to the point and follow up with praise every time.

Short-Term Goal Setting

  As kids with Autism gets distracted and out of control if a schedule or a routine is changed. You have to be able to break them bit by bit in order for the child to achieve the desired outcome. The likes of: Holding Breath to submerging the head to putting eyes down. Break it down to smaller bits.

Long Term Goal Setting

  You can now become more technical in this part but try to measure the child’s capability in following it. This can be Goals like swimming competently in a 25 meter pool without much assistance, to a more specific “breathing after each second arm stroke”.

Parent Involvement

From start to finish, involve the parents, they have as much information you need in order for you to be able to come up with a program best fit for the child. You can also ask them what their goal for the kids are which are also essential in complementing other programs the child is involved in.

Lesson Plan – Swimming Pool Games

Keep in mind that for each child the approach would vary considerable.  As much as possible make it feel like play for the child. Follow the routine make it conventional and trouble-free.  Target a maximum of 3 skills every time.  Consistently and carefully follow the routine so as not to fall back on the skill.

Mode of Instruction

Children with Autism reacts differently to different situation and you may need to give one on one instruction first before involving the child in a bigger group.  You may also provide visual support for your child so that you can always demonstrate and illustrate the skill at the same time.

Get involve in your child’s swimming pool games as this also reinforces communication.  To effectively get results, implement rules before the program starts for you and your kid. Most important, it should always be FUN.

After School Special Education teacher provides modified swimming for children with special, this involves structured and simplified swimming activities which involve a lot of fun and a lot of swimming pool games.

Photo Thanks to : com/photos/albertopveiga/

Monday, August 22, 2011

Autism Signs In Children - What are the main signs of autism in young children?

Autism signs in children would be really difficult to pin point in the perspective of a parent or guardian. Some might face the danger of not being able to get help because they unintentionally ignore the signs because a behavior can be interpreted differently by different parents depending on how educated the people surrounding the families are. 

 Delays in speech...
 Distructive when routines are changed..
 Would prefer to play on their own..
 Is never sociable...
 Obsess on particular things
 Echo every word you just said...

If you are looking for professionals to consult, you can go to:

Clinical Psychologist
Developmental pediatrician

Clinical Psychologist

Each kid is very unique, some would prefer certain environment and would react differently to different people. A clinical psychologist would normally tell you autism signs in children. Easily they can assess your child and give your information on where to exactly look.

Developmental Pediatrician

A developmental pediatrician can give a sound diagnosis and give autism signs. They can give beneficial assessment which you can use to endorse to a special education teacher should the diagnosis prove that your kid is within the spectrum. This particular assessments would help your child's teacher in designing an IEP suited for the need of your little one.


In the Philippines the practice on securing diagnosis with a neurologist is not very popular. For children experiencing seizures and other neurological deficits a pediatric neurologist is a great source.


  a Special Education Teacher can also give an assessment for your child who has been diagnosed already. In the world of dreams and achievements, the word "autism" associated with their own child is like the whole world falling down on them. 

 What about my child's education? 
 Will my child ever cope?
 What will happen to my child?

 Diagnosis from these professionals gives you a chance to change your child's life and with the help of Special Education Teachers,  and maybe a way out of the spectrum. Early Intervention is key and the younger they are diagnosed and assessed the greater is the chance in their improvements on their waterloo. 

Be open to Supports for your child and be very honest with the experts you are dealing with especially in finding answers with your questions you have uttered days ago when you have observed your child to be having deviant behavior to the people around and most especially to you. The gut feel on whether to check autism signs in children can give tremendous difference to you and your family.

When distressed on your observations. Never be afraid to check autism signs in children.

Photo thanks to photos/57570482@N06/

Saturday, August 20, 2011

After School Special Education Teacher - My Child Has Trouble in School

After School Special Education Teacher can provide options for your child. Of all the things that you as a parent are doing in order to provide for your child, something about the word trouble would bother you especially if it comes out of your child's teacher.  

The Teacher would say

  Your child cannot catch up...
  Your child cannot sit still...
  Your child just keeps on laughing..
  Your child is always behind the lesson because of his behavior..

Then you can feel yourself panicking from anxiety and what could be worse after what the teacher just said, you may find yourself taking a deep breath and feeling that something needs to done. 

What are your options?


1. Never Give Up!
2. Hear out suggestions from the teacher.
3. Get the help of your developmental pediatrician
5. Involve your kids in sports and recreation

Never Give Up

You should never give up as a parent, there are ways to cope with this situation. Let's think about this Particular Universal Law in Chuck Danes Perspective:

 "Within the darkest of life's perceived trials and hardships lies the means as well as the ability to find and experience the light" 

You will always have help around. You just need to know where to find it.

Hear out suggestions from the teacher

  I reckon you enrolled your child in a particular school knowing that the teachers there would be of great help. They would see the difference and would observe behaviors which do not manifest in your own home. Especially if your child has just been entered in formal school. Teacher would know what to answer you whenever you ask them how is your child in school.

Get help from your developmental pediatrician

  If your child has not been diagnosed yet, seek help from one. You can get a lot of ideas and opinions about your child with experts that you trusts.

Ponder Upon an After School Special Education Teacher

  A Tutor/Coach will definitely make a difference, there have been studies that shows how a child reacts in different environment. A child in a classroom may behave differently in a room where he/she is the only one being taught.

Involve your kids in sports and recreation

  There are a lot of sports where your can involve your child, basketball, football/fusbol, taekwondo,karate, swimming etc. Get your child to move around and use their muscle group. The benefits are countless, these activities reinforce discipline and camaraderie with peers.

But then again, this is the Philippines and you can only count how many groups offer as much options for your child, and it is even more frustrating to see how the established ones charge.

So you can choose from:

 - SPORTS Coaching that involve BIG Muscle Group
 - and similar recreations involving health and physical being

How do you find one?

This is where we step in, we can provide various options for your child with the network of teachers that we have. You just have to be able to give us some time to evaulate what the situation is.

 We Specialize in:

  Special Education 
  Reading Remediation
  Special Needs Swimming 

 1 on 1 Tutorial
  Reading Remediation 
  Modified Swimming for Kids with Special Needs

 Your child will be provided with the tools the he/she needs to be able to cope up with the demands of school and of life.

Let's do this with the help of an After School Special Education Teacher.

Photo thanks to: com/photos/wwworks/

Inspirational Quotation of the Day

I am happy to give you your daily doze of special education inspirational quotes to feed your hearts with love:

2nd November 2011

"Perseverance is not a long race. It is many short races one after another." W. Elliot

1st November 2011

"Exceptional human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment which takes into account their special difficulties. Further, we can show that despite abnormality, human beings can fulfill their social role within 
the community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance.” – Hans Asperger

31st October 2011

“We know that kids with quality early learning opportunities are more likely to graduate from high school, more likely to graduate from college, and more likely to earn higher income. And we know for every one dollar we invest in early education, we save seven dollars down the line in welfare, special education, and criminal justice costs. Our children deserve the chance for an early start on success.” 
- Bill Richardson

30th October 2011

"Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it."

Friday, August 19, 2011

A.S.S.E.T - Glossary

After School Special Education Teacher
After School Special Education Teacher can provide options for your child. Of all the things that you as a parent are doing in order to provide for your child, something about the word trouble would bother you especially if it comes out of your child's teacher.  
See more After School Special Education Teacher articles

Autism Signs In Children
Autism signs in children would be really difficult to pin point in the perspective of a parent or guardian. Some might face the danger of not being able to get help because they unintentionally ignore the signs because a behavior can be interpreted differently by different parents depending on how educated the people surrounding the families are. 
See more Autism Signs In Children articles

Swimming Pool Games
Swimming Pool Games can create another realm and world for little kids. They can try a lot from race to holding their breath for as long as they can. Obviously, water gives a different for some they can get a little bit complicated from being too scared of suffocating themselves to a fear of falling down when doing a simple back float to total chaos as they feel they were set free. 
See more Swimming Pool Games articles

Early Child Development
Early Child Development is very important in making up the children of the next century, in parent perspective; development in early years should be the priority. The Philippines has been made a move to prioritize early childhood education to prepare the children in the stages of their educational life.
See more Early Child Development articles

Down syndrome information
Down syndrome information on sports  will be very useful to people who are involved with these little angels.  
I could remember one dear student who just melts my heart every time he smiles and laughs. Even when at his fighting moments with his teacher he is just cuddly as a teddy bear.  
See more Down Syndrome information articles.